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Your Story

"St. James Joy turned out to be a ‘Covid-Release’ block party. I hear a lot of testimonials about how this saved their lives during lockdown."
We’ve spotlighted hundreds of NYC families, essential workers, small business owners and activists. We want to hear YOUR Stoop Story! You can also share a story about your neighbor, favorite small biz, or anyone who inspires you.
Join the Stoop Stories community by submitting a #stoopie (stoop selfie) and your story, below. It may be featured in an upcoming social media post and on the Stoop Stories website.
1. Grab a spot on your stoop or steps, borrow one (with permission) OR snap from the sidewalk! If you'd rather share a pic of a stoop or a written story, that's fine too.
2. Take a stoop selfie (#stoopie)—aim for a wider shot that shows a bit of your stoop. (Avoid showing your house or street number, for privacy). Get creative and have fun!
3. Upload your story and photo using the submission form, below.
Contact Us with any questions.
Stoop Stories will use the information you provide only for the purposes of this project and to keep you updated on our project.
Fill out and submit this form, below. Be sure to include the required info below for a chance to be featured.
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